Frequently Asked Questions

Can I read my eBook on multiple devices?
Yes. There is no limit to how many devices you can use to read your eBook; you can access all your purchases by signing into your account on any device.  

Do I need an e-reader device (such as a Kindle) to read my eBook?
No. You can read your eBook on any device that has a web browser, including personal computers, tablets, and smartphones.  

Do I need to download any applications or software to read my eBook?
No! Once purchased, your eBook will be available for you to read directly on the bookstore site through your web browser. There is no need to download new software or an application to read Ohio ACEP eBooks. However, since these books are accessed online, you will need to have a reasonably up-to-date web browser and an internet connection.  

Where can I see my purchases?
Click on the “My Bookshelf” tab on the navigation toolbar at the top of the page to see and access all of your purchases. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so to see your purchases.  

Can I take notes in my eBook?
While there is not a built-in annotation feature on our eBook, we recommend interested users download the Hypothesis extension for the Google Chrome web browser (this can also be used with other browsers; see the instructions provided in the link below). This extension is free to use and allows users to highlight or annotate in their browsers. Please note that Ohio ACEP is not affiliated with Hypothesis in any way. To get started with Hypothesis follow the instructions provided here: For more information about using this annotation feature, read the Hypothesis guide here:  

Who do I contact if I have a question about my bookstore purchase?
Please send an email to or call 614-792-6506.